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Random "Works"

At this point in my life, I write  to organize my own thoughts. If I don't write them, my thoughts as I respond to what I read swirl in circles, repeat, and go nowhere. They are usually \odd enough, and complicated enough, to not comport well with casual conversation. So I chew on them, make the same "discoveries" repeatedly, and because the ideas don't build into anything they eventually go away. 


Last year, I read Bill McKibben's review of Bill Gates' climate book in the NY Times. I had been looking forward to the book, but the review cooled my enthusiasm and I didn't get to reading Gates' book for half a year. When I did, I found it to be exactly what I had been looking for in climate literature: a "roadmap" for solutions, much like the ones I had worked on in my business career. This raised the question: why was McKibben's review so unfavorable (and why did I let it persuade me)?  


I thought I would write a short essay to capture my thoughts. It turned out to be longer than I expected. A year and  26,000 words later, it's in a shape I think may be worth sharing. This site is primarily conceived as a vehicle for making the essay available to read and discuss.


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